Today, 25 November is the International Day for the Elimination of the Vioelncia Machista. This day commemorates all women who have been victims of male violence. From Toyo Publicidad we want to show you several campaigns and the different initiatives that have been launched to fight against a social injustice.

The United Nations has launched a 16-day initiative against the fight against gender violence. Under the slogan: “Paint the world orange: Finance, respond, prevent, collect” they propose a series of initiatives at a global level in which anyone can collaborate. This annual campaign is gaining support from other associations such as UNHCR.

Another effective campaign, as well as one with impact, has been the campaign carried out by Amnesty International. For this campaign, they have used the marquees to display two posters. In the first moment, a poster of a happy – or apparently happy – family is shown and in the second, when the advertisement has lost interest, the second poster is shown showing a macho attack. This campaign is under the slogan “And this is what happens when you don’t look” and tries to raise awareness in society to offer help to possible cases of gender violence.

Finally we want to talk about the campaign “We are with you. This campaign has been developed by the Ministry of Equality and aims to raise awareness of cases that occur during confinement. To this end, posters and leaflets will be distributed. In addition, an action guide has been created for possible cases.

As we have already mentioned from Toyo Publicidad, we want to contribute with our own sand to the fight against this social injustice and we will continue to be part of this fight. Together we will be able to defeat male violence.

Tell us your opinion about this issue on our social networks with the hashtag #ConversaConToyo.